
4 August 2023 – Chengdu

Festive Handover of FISU Flag

On 8 August 2023, the flag of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) will be handed over to the organising committee of the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games at the Chengdu Open Air Music Park in China. This special event will take place during the closing ceremony of the FISU World University Games 2021.

With state-of-the-art facilities and an impressive spectator capacity, the Chengdu Open Air Music Park is an exceptional venue for this celebration. The handover ceremony will start with a formal part where two representatives from Germany, Mr. Mahmut Özdemir (Parliamentary State Secretary to the Federal Minister of the Interior and Community) and Dr. Verena Burk (Chair of the FISU Education Committee and Professor at the University of Tübingen), will receive the FISU flag from the Chengdu 2021 Organising Committee.

©Chengdu 2021 FISU World University Games

The Rhine-Ruhr 2025 introduce themselves to the world with international dance

After a welcoming speech by Mr Özdemir, the cultural show part of the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 will follow, dedicated to the motto "PASSIONATELY CONNECTED BY FIRE AND WATER". In an artistic and universal way, namely through dance, it will be proclaimed how a symbiotic global community emerges from the two contrary elements – fire and water – (represented by the dancers). The classic competition between hip-hop dancers thereby will represent the battle between fire and water, which quickly becomes an unbreakable unit and a vast multicultural community, which stands for the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games.

Dominik Simon, Creative Director of the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU Games gGmbH, is responsible, among other things, for the conception of the handover show: "We would like to use the great framework to present our special region to the world and showcase the transformative and connecting power of the Rhine-Ruhr metropolis. Our goal is to give the viewers a taste of what awaits them in 2025."

©International University Sports Federation (FISU)

Dancers from Germany and China united

On the big stage of the Chengdu Open Air Music Park, a total of 5 dancers from Germany and 15 dancers from China will perform together in the dance show.

The German group is made up of Franklin Dickson (@frankydeee), Hanna Vien (@haccount), Luwam Russom (@luwam_russom), Majid Kessab (@majidk) und Reagan Dikilu (@suqarrae).

Franklin (Franky Dee) from Düsseldorf has already won the title of world champion of hip-hop dance together with Majid Kessab in 2014.

Hanna, coming from Krefeld, is a passionate and multi-talented dancer who masters both commercial and urban dance styles.

Luwam, from Nuremberg, won the German hip-hop championship title in 2022 and is now in demand as a dance teacher and choreographer.

Majid, also from Krefeld, is not only a two-time world champion in hip-hop, but was named a Red Bull Athlete in 2020 and nominated for Sportsman of the Year at the AboutYou Awards in 2021. In addition to his dancing skills, he also strives for an acting career.

Reagan (Sugar Rae) from Aachen is one of the most prominent dancers in Germany. The young breaker achieved his greatest success in 2002 when he won "NRW's Best Young B-Boys" in Grevenbroich.

©International University Sports Federation (FISU)

Experience this magical moment with us!

We warmly invite you to experience this special moment with us. On 8 August at 14:00 (CEST), you can watch the closing ceremony and the flag handover via livestream on FISU.TV. Click here on this link to go directly to the livestream (the livestream will be activated at the time indicated).