
2 August 2023 – Chengdu

FISU World Conference

During the FISU Games in Chengdu, a FISU World Conference was staged to offer young scientists from around the world a platform for academic and social exchange. Jörg Förster, Head of German delegation at the FISU Games in Chengdu and Chair of the Advisory Board of the Organizing Committee of the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games presented the concept of the FISU World Conference in 2025.

The FISU World Conference is a core traditional event inside the University Sport Movement with a history that goes back to 1960. Being held every two years, it is an integral part of the FISU Games. It ensures the highest academic level and scientific credibility organized in cooperation with the leading local academic authorities. The FISU World Conference’s goal is to create a platform for presenting scientific papers on university sport, thereby stimulating research on this topic. Conference themes focus on the study of university sport and are further complimented with keynote addresses, poster presentations, paper-presentation sessions and discussion groups.

FISU World Conference in Chengdu: “University Sports | Embracing a Colorful World”

This year, the conference is directed by the Federation of University Sports of China (FUSC) and Chengdu Municipal People’s Government, and organized by the Chengdu 2021 FISU World Conference Organizing Committee. The main theme is “University Sports | Embracing a Colorful World” with four sub-themes: Sports and a better city, Health in an interactive life , Technology for a smarter future, Culture in a more inclusive world.

©Chengdu 2021 FISU World University Games

The organizing committee of the FISU Conference in Chengdu invited representatives from international authoritative organizations such as the UNESCO, IOC, FISU, and academicians of the Chinese Academy of engineering, Olympic champions and other 12 guests to deliver keynote speeches, sharing the most advanced and cutting-edge academic resources and promoting the integration and innovation of university sports science research.

All information about the FISU World Conference in Chengdu is available here.

FISU World Conference 2025 | A scientific heart of the Games

At the closing session of the FISU World Conference in Chengdu, which lasted for four days, from July 28-31, Head of the German delegation and Chair of the Advisory Board of the Organizing Committee of the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games Jörg Förster presented a concept of the FISU World Conference 2025 in Germany.

©Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games

The conference is planned to be held on 17-20 July 2025 at the Jahrhunderthalle (Century Hall) in Bochum. This place is a symbol of structural change of the Rhine-Ruhr region from an industrial region to a science metropolis. It is a place where modern architecture meets industreal culture. Being an instigator for culture, economy and entertainment, the FISU World Conference will serve as an accompanying programme of the FISU Games with diverse offers for companies in the region, students, as well as families and children.

„This kind of events is a gathering of opinions of upcoming leaders of our world and we are more than happy that we will be able to contribute to the future development of university sport with the conference in 2025,“ said Förster.

©Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games

The conference will be held under the working title „Contribution of the (University) Sport to the UN SDGs“ and will highlight various dimenstions of sustainability as well as the challenges posed by climate change. Sports, science and future will set guiding principles for the conference.

„We build up our future on our history. In 1989 Germany hosted the FISU World University Games the last time. In 2025, the FISU Games will be the biggest sports event in Germany staged since the Olympic Games in 1972. For that reason, the importance of the event and the joint conference, is a strategic point of view of our government and of the German University Sport Federation (adh),“ concluded Förster.