
21 March 2024 – Düsseldorf

High-level visit in the Rhine-Ruhr region

Last week, the Rhine-Ruhr region played host to a distinguished seven-member delegation from the Fédération Internationale du Sport Universitaire (FISU), who journeyed to North Rhine-Westphalia to witness firsthand the preparations for the esteemed World University Games 2025. Despite less-than-ideal weather conditions, the atmosphere among the delegation, featuring FISU President Leonz Eder, FISU Secretary General and CEO Eric Saintrond, FISU Vice President Dr. Verena Burk, and FISU Games Director Summer Jing Zhao, remained remarkably positive.

Their tour commenced at the State Chancellery of North Rhine-Westphalia in Düsseldorf, where they received a warm reception from Andrea Milz, State Secretary for Sports and Volunteering of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. The itinerary then led them through significant stops in Bochum (including the Jahrhunderthalle and Lohrheidestadion), Essen (highlighted by Messe Essen), and culminated at the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 office in the northern part of Düsseldorf.

Reflecting on the visit, CEO Niklas Börger remarked, "We effectively showcased to the FISU delegation the remarkable progress made in preparation for the forthcoming World University Games next summer. Collaborating closely with FISU, we eagerly anticipate the young and modern event in 2025, which is diverse, loud and fun."

The seven-member FISU delegation led by President Leonz Eder (front row, 4th from right) visiting the State Chancellery of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Niklas Börger, CEO of Rhine-Ruhr 2025, provides an update on the status of preparations for the World University Games.

FISU management Dr. Verena Burk, Leonz Eder and Eric Saintrond (from left to right) in conversation with the Rhine-Ruhr team.

Stopover at Lohrheidestadion in Bochum: FISU President Eder (left) hands over the first official venue plaque to Bochum Mayor Eiskirch (right). Luisa Deeken (high jumper at TV Wattenscheid 01 sports club) and Jürgen Hingsen (silver medal winner in the decathlon at the 1984 Olympic Games) are looking forward to the new "jewel box" of German athletics.

All photos: © Rhine-Ruhr 2025 / Andrea Bowinkelmann