
13 May 2024 – Köln

Lectureship at Spoho Cologne

The Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games is about so much more than 12 days of top-class sporting action and cultural highlights. With a key supplementary goal of promoting education and science in the region and beyond, members of the Organising Committee have been hard at work building links with the local university landscape, delivering lectures and even entire seminars.

Seminar: Textual Communication

As part of this initiative, students at the German Sport University Cologne (Spoho) recently embraced a 'Textual Communication' seminar led by Carsten Nillies, the Team Lead Communication at Rhine-Ruhr 2025.

The 30 Masters students from the 'Sport, Media and Communication Research' programme learned of the requirements of working in a communication team for a major event such as the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games.

Assisted by Claus Lufen (Team Lead Media), Hendrik Niebuhr (Manager Communication & Media Relations) and Maksim Berdnikov (Manager Media Services), the students were then invited to develop copy for a social media campaign for the mascot launch and a digital daily newspaper for the FISU World University Games.

Lecture on Sports Venue Construction

But it is not just in the field of communications where the Organising Committee found willing participants at the German Sport University in Cologne.

At a seminar on financing sports venues and facilities, Robert Breitbarth (Team Lead Venue Management) highlighted the ongoing redevelopment works at the Lohrheidestadion in Bochum and Regattabahn Duisburg – the hosts of the athletics and rowing competitions respectively.

His keynote speech 'Construction measures for major sporting events and their financing' showed how such major upgrade works are planned and implemented in the context of the FISU World University Games. After the presentation, the students contributed their own perspectives in a lively discussion.

Many collaborations with universities

The Organising Committee is interacting with universities in a variety of ways. From joint events such as the Flame Relay to the involvement of students in career-related areas of work and joint research, various projects are already being implemented.

If you are a student, lecturer or university administrator interested in learning more about the many possibilities of the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games, please contact our dedicated colleague Dr Johannes Karsch.

The opportunities are ideal for various university departments such as marketing, sport, AStA, careers services and the international office.