
9 November 2023 – Düsseldorf

On the way to a concept of sustainability

The organizing committee of the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games is actively involving students and representatives of university sports in the development of a detailed sustainability concept. Two workshops were conducted to gather ideas and expectations.

In addition to personal interviews and discussions with the International University Sports Federation and the German University Sports Federation (adh), as well as experts in the field, the organizing committee collected the expectations, ideas, and visions of students, university sports representatives, universities, and national sports federations through university workshops and an online survey. The results will help the committee better understand and address concerns, and develop actionable strategies.

151 participants from 15 universities

After conducting face-to-face sessions in the university workshop (e.g. with students from Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz), an open digital workshop was held on September 21 and October 26, at the start of the 2023 winter semester. Prof. Dr. Holger Preuß supported the Rhine-Ruhr team in the development and implementation. A total of 151 participants from 15 universities took part, including JGU Mainz, TU Munich, TU Clausthal, Uni Tübingen, Uni Bern, Uni Göttingen, Uni Bayreuth, HU Berlin, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, Uni Jena, Uni Hannover, Uni Münster, Ruhr University Bochum, Ecosign, and Uni Bielefeld. Even after the workshops have concluded, the organizing committee remains open to receiving and discussing further creative ideas and comments that will contribute to making the event more sustainable.

Key areas and concrete ideas for action emerged from the workshop and discussion sessions. The stakeholders involved expressed the importance of utilizing and refurbishing existing sports facilities, managing the mobility sector, and addressing other aspects of the event that could significantly impact its carbon footprint. Additionally, social sustainability issues related to participation (both digital and during the event) and fostering enthusiasm for university sports and education for sustainable development were highlighted. Workshop participants also emphasized the need for transparency in demonstrating the extent to which a major multinational sports event can be made more sustainable.

The workshop not only focused on key areas but also presented concrete ideas for action, such as making the values of sport visible and tangible, involving different stakeholders, promoting train travel, utilizing renewable energy sources, reusing venue equipment, using reusable materials, and adopting minimalist merchandising. The wide range of ideas and topics collected further illustrates the broad vision of Legacy & Sustainability for the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games.

If you have any questions about Legacy & Sustainability at Rhine-Ruhr 2025, please contact: