Respecting and promoting human rights and respecting planetary boundaries is a top priority! This is how sustainability comes into play as a principle of action, and at the Rhine-Ruhr 2025 FISU World University Games, everyone plays a part - including the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The organising committee is therefore determined to actively accelerate socio-ecological transformation processes and promote education for sustainable development (ESD). A central concern is also to strengthen the positive attitude towards sustainability issues in society.
In order to underline its commitment to the SDGs and human rights, the organising committee has joined the sustainability community and signed the Sports for Future statement. In addition, the sustainability team is in dialogue with experts and follows the current state of research. The Rhine-Ruhr 2025 team has also been strengthened by Domitila Barros - together, the aim is to give sustainability a voice and motivate people to stand up for sustainable action and human rights!

Eight focus areas to leave the smallest possible footprint and an even bigger positive handprint! They act as a strategic and dynamic guide for implementing targeted measures and successfully organising the post-games evaluation. Here is an overview and more details can be found in the pre-games paper.
The sporting, cultural and scientific programme will take place in existing sports and event venues, supplemented by temporary buildings. Paired with long-term plans for subsequent use by local federations and clubs, existing sports facilities are being modernised with consideration for environmental aspects.
Measures include a decentralised transportation and hotel concept based on the principle of short distances to venues, a free public transport ticket with each event ticket and accreditation, extended public transport service around Games-time, bicycle-friendly infrastructure, an efficient shuttle service, and raising awareness of environmentally friendly travelling.
In addition to general energy-saving planning, there are possibilities to use alternative energy sources at venues. There is already a photovoltaic system on the roof of Messe Essen and a further installation is planned for the Lohrheidestadion in Bochum. There will also be electricity procurement reviews of venues and offices. For example, since September 2023 the OC has been contracting an electricity provider with renewable energy sources for its headquarters in Düsseldorf.
4. Resource-friendly procurement and waste management
Sustainability aspects such as being resource-friendly and using plastic-free alternatives are being integrated into the various procurement processes, such as those for sports equipment, materials and products. A catering provider will adhere to a key principle of circularity and zero-waste (the five R's: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot). Above all else, the aim is also to achieve the lowest possible total waste volume, and a high reuse and recycling rate.
5. Movement and health
This component of the strategy aims to build enthusiasm for movement, sports and health; promote grassroots sport in the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region and throughout Germany; and raise the active participation and involvement of university sports, sports federations, sports initiatives and clubs.
6. Diversity and inclusion
The OC wants to create an event experience for as many people as possible through: the creation of safe spaces during the event days; promoting a non-discriminatory but diverse culture; the involvement of various stakeholder groups with regards to diversity and inclusion; and promoting inclusion in sport and within the university sports organisation.
7. Education and engagement
A diverse programme for children, families, young adults and interested parties is planned around the scientific conference programme in the Jahrhunderthalle in Bochum, and in the other host cities. In addition, various forms of university cooperation will be pursued and the focus will be on educational initiatives for different target groups.
8. Regional value creation and networking
The OC hopes the FISU Games will bring positive, long-term economic effects for the Rhine-Ruhr metropolitan region. These can be achieved by promoting the attractiveness of the region as a location, creating a stronger compound between the municipalities of the region, and by creating an attractive platform for various local stakeholder groups to better integrate and network.